My 2019 goals


When I turned sixteen, I decided that I would write a list of goals for the year ahead. 365 days later on New Year's Eve, I read back through the list and made another. Though my lists have evolved and changed over the years, the intent behind them remains the same - to grow and be a better version of myself.

Interested in seeing my 2018 goals? Take a look here.

2019, my wish for you is... 
'to be content & live with gratitude for good friends, good family, good health and a good life’



-Write weekly / monthly goals
-Limit complaints


-Eat more consciously
-Be body positive
-Detox my body once a month for three days
-Get a PT
-Continue Yoga
-Start doing more cardio
-Up my vitamin intake


-Be a positive influence on anyone I come into contact with.
-Expand my personal brand
-Release new music


-Take a holiday with my family
-Decorate a new apartment
-Keep home and office / studio spaces organised


-Grow my business by 25% in the 19/20 financial year
-Take new songwriting opportunities
-Get a new office space
-Set up a new home studio space


-Save an additional $40,000
-Invest your money
-Up my automatic savings monthly
-Buy an apartment